Birdlaser Portable


A new era in bird control

Birds cause billions of dollars worth of damage to crops and property each year. Spikes and netting are effective, but are very expensive and detract from the aesthetics of the building. Many other alternatives are not animal-friendly, ineffective, or disruptive to the environment. The innovative Birdlaser technology has proven to be a sustainable and lasting solution to bird problems.

How does the Birdlaser work?

All Birdlaser products are equipped with highly precise laser optics of 1000 mW which produce a constant green laser beam to project a bright green 520 nm moving laser point. The moving laser point is perceived by birds as a physical object. When the laser beam comes close to birds, they fly away to avoid being hit.

At sunset and sunrise, dust and fog particles in the air are illuminated by the laser beam, and the entire beam becomes visible. During these periods, the birds perceive the entire beam as a stick, and the entire length of the beam becomes effective.

Birdlaser has a range of 3000 meter and efficiency varies with light and atmospheric conditions.

In Norway, the use of all types of hand-held lasers above 1 mW is subject to approval from DSA (Statens Strålevern).

Informasjon og skjema for søknad til DSA

Kun for Norge (kategori laserpeker)

Please check regulations in your country

Direktoratet for Strålevern Søknad

New optic gives less loss of power

From a test at Orrevannet at Jæren, video from Stavanger Aftenblad

New 1000mW laser at 3000 meter distance

Feedback from users against geese in Norway:

Farm Buskerud:

At my place, the geese stay at the nature reserve. I have to chase them every now and then. Some days several times, other days they are only on the reserve. At the weekend we observed several pairs of goslings. They have hatched on the reserve. Other birds such as the buzzard and the tern have had nests on the ground this spring. They have not been targeted - only goose. In my opinion, today is the number of geese that are normally here at this time of spring. When using lasers, they do minimal damage to cultivated land, but graze more on the reserve. I have very good experience with the laser. It doesn't hunt resident geese, other bird life is maintained and I have reduced the damage to cultivated land.


Farming Lista:
Then I got to try the laser:-) it was a wonderful experience :-)There were only about 30 pieces but they flew away immediately.
It has worked very well with the laser. I have used it a few times and haven't seen much of them lately but saw today that they are staying in wetlands about 300 meters from the fields.


Farm Tysvær:
The gooses immediately disappeared and settled at the far end of the water so this is great.

Manor Buskerud:
Received the laser on May 16th. There were a lot of geese here. Mostly greylag goose, and some Canada goose and white-cheeked goose. Now the geese are gone. It's amazing how effective it has been. We have stood several hundred meters away and they have flown. Canada and white-cheeked geese are a little more difficult to get on the wings than greylag geese. An incredible product that I wish I had years ago. Now it will be possible to get crops down towards the sea again. The laser will be earned in a very short time.

Kvæfjord Municipality is the first in the country not to permit the killing of geese. The use of lasers in a landowner's team has meant that the geese only stay on one islet, the grass grows violently due to the manure and has become attractive as a grazing area for the geese when they return.

Tingvoll Municipality follows Kvæfjord's example by not allowing the felling of geese. Lasers are now the main weapon used to herd the geese to desired areas.